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BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt
BJJ Training bag Black Belt

BJJ Training bag Black Belt

103,00 €
/ pcs. vklj. DDV
  • A spacious black training shoulder bag for BJJ fighters
  • Design inspired by the gi for BJJ
  • Numerous pockets for easy organisation
  • Comfortable adjustable shoulder strap with red panel
  • Snap handles for carrying the bag in your hand
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Izdelek ni na voljo
14 dni za enostavno vračilo
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A Ground Game training bag that will instantly become your favourite. We took care of its durability and original design. One look is enough for everyone to know that you train Brasilian jiu jitsu.
The bag consists of a main compartment, where you can fit a BJJ gi, pads, a rashguard, leggings and there is still room left. In the front there is a convenient pocket, for example for documents and keys. One of the side pockets is deep enough to stash your shoes, post-workout outfit or other items that need to be isolated from the rest. The shoulder strap is adjustable, so you can easily adjust its length to your height. In this bag you can pack not only your training equipment, but also everything you need, for example for a competition or a weekend trip.


- Pearlweave 450 gsm inserts
- kanji meaning ''jiu jitsu'' and ''the path to the black belt''
- anti-odor polyester lining
- 3 zipped side pockets and one mesh side pocket
-p erfectly detailed embroidery and emblems
- rubber pads to protect bottom from scrubbing

Material: cotton 100%
Dimensions: ca. 64x34x32 cm

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